Gabriela Vaca

On this episode of Queer Goggles, we're talking with Gabriela Vaca, the Youth Engagement Coordinator with the HEAL Project over at the California Health Collaborative. In our conversation, we discuss how the HEAL Project tackles youth substance use prevention with creativity and self-expression, their successes in passing local tobacco control policies, and the importance of encouraging youth leadership within prevention and advocacy work.
If you'd like to know more about The HEAL Project you can follow them on Instagram at @heal.project. If you'd like to reach out to Gabriela Vaca directly, you can reach her at!
If you know someone who is struggling with Substance Use Disorder please access our resources at
Queer Goggles is just one of thirty programs and services of The Source LGBT+ Center in Visalia, CA. If you like what you heard today and are interested in supporting this work, go to to make a donation. Thank you.
Gabriela Vaca
Activist Youth Program Coordinator
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